2018 Is Ending And There Are Still No New Joy-Con This Year

2018 Is Ending And There Are Still No New Joy-Con This Year

If you’ve been following the latest Nintendo Switch accessories news, you may have realized that Nintendo has not announced any new Joy-Con colors in 2018.

This is a pretty stark contrast to 2017, where the company released 7 different Joy-Con colors – Gray, Neon Blue, Neon Red, Neon Yellow, Neon Green, Neon Pink, and Red.

Given that 2018 is ending in four months, Joy-Con collectors and other Nintendo Switch fans may potentially end up having no new Joy-Con to purchase this year. It’s also puzzling to see the lack of new Joy-Con from Nintendo this year, as new colors are popular with collectors and gamers alike.

What Joy-Con color do you hope Nintendo will release in 2018? Let us know in the comments below.