[UPDATE] Another Pokemon Sword/Shield Player Encounters SD Card Game Data Deletion Bug

[UPDATE] Another Pokemon Sword/Shield Player Encounters SD Card Game Data Deletion Bug

Earlier today, we reported that a Japanese streamer encountered a bug with Pokemon Sword And Shield that caused all the game data on his SD Card to be deleted.

Now, we have a detailed report of this bug happening to someone with an English copy of the game. A user by the name of DeathChaos recounted their experience with the bug in a series of Twitter posts as presented below:

Although Deathchaos’ game data was corrupted, their save files were still intact, presumably as they were stored on the Switch’s internal memory. After reloading their copy of Splatoon, they were able to verify that their save was still there.

Over on Reddit, another user detailed a summary of the situation and what is known about the glitch so far:

About the Saves Issue
byu/weldersmightyb inpokemon

That said, it is still not clear what exactly is causing the issue, be a bug with the autosave feature or faulty SD cards.

For the time being, players may want to back up their SD card data and turn off their autosaves just in case. We will continue to monitor the situation and bring more details as they come.

[UPDATE]: Some new information about what could be causing the crashes has surfaced online, suggesting that it is most likely due to an SD Card issue. More details can be found in our follow-up article here.
