Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Ultra Pack 2 Launches Tomorrow

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Ultra Pack 2 Launches Tomorrow

Bandai Namco Entertainment has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’s Ultra Pack 2, launching December 12 on Nintendo Switch.

The new Ultra Pack introduces Majuub and Android 21 as playable characters, as well as a lot more content.

Trailer and details:

Two new characters, heirs of the Majin race power will be joining the DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 roster from 12th December 2019 –Majuub and Android 21.


Alongside those two fighters, the ULTRA PACK 2 contains :

  • 5 Parallel quests
  • 8 Additional Skills
  • 5 Costumes / Accessories
  • 8 Super Souls