Fortnite Glitch Makes Nintendo Switch Players Do Less Damage Than Other Platforms

Fortnite Glitch Makes Nintendo Switch Players Do Less Damage Than Other Platforms

Recently a game breaking glitch has been discovered for Fortnite on all platforms including the Nintendo Switch!

It seems that platforms running the game at 30 Frames per second (including the Nintendo Switch) do less damage in gunfire per second than a user who is playing the game at 60 Frames per second on a PS4 for example!

This is very game breaking and you can check it out in this tweet below:

As you can see here fire rate is decreased while playing at 30FPS compared to 30FPS which is a huge disadvantage for Nintendo Switch players as there is no way to go beyond that framerate on the console.

Nintendo Switch players get a 5.2% decrease in damage while firing their weapons compared to other platforms such as the PS4 and Xbox One.

This seems to be a bug in the games engine Unreal Engine 4 but Epic Games have gladly confirmed that this bug will be fixed in a future update!


If we have any more information to share we will cover it here at NintendoSoup so stay tuned for more!
