Indivisible’s Development Team Took Inspiration From Guilty Gear

Indivisible’s Development Team Took Inspiration From Guilty Gear

In an interview with Gamasutra, the lead designer on Indivisible, Mike Zaimont, talked about how the development team of Indivisible took inspiration from the Guilty Gear franchise for the game’s meter management system.

Check out what he shared below:

The better you are at defense the more bar you get back from it, and the better you are at attacking, the more bar you get from that. So the better you are on defense, the more effective your offense can be because you have more bar to use and the better you are at offense the more useful your defense is because spending bar doesn’t matter as much.

I love that part of Guilty Gear. There’s only one resource to manage and it mattered everywhere so I tried very hard to do exactly that same thing with this game.


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