Japanese Gamers Blame Chinese Scalpers For Their Switch Shortage Woes

Japanese Gamers Blame Chinese Scalpers For Their Switch Shortage Woes

Since March this year a conspiracy theory has been spreading through the Japanese Internet claiming Chinese scalpers are funneling Nintendo Switch stock from Japan into China.

While many claimed this conspiracy theory is “baseless” and “racist”, a photo taken by Twitter user CodeNameDx shows a group of ethic Chinese scalpers loading what seems to be dozens of Nintendo Switch units into their station wagon.

Reports from other users indicate a group of 10 Chinese tourists each purchased 6 Nintendo Switch units from Bic Camera and other retailers. This isn’t the first time happening in Japan as many other incidents have been spotted in the past.

Many speculate due to the lack of an official Nintendo presence in China, scalpers have filled in the gap by taking up the lucrative business of buying Switch consoles in Japan and reselling them in China.
