“New Heroes & Ascended Laegjarn”: New Units Heading To Fire Emblem Heroes November 17th

“New Heroes & Ascended Laegjarn”: New Units Heading To Fire Emblem Heroes November 17th

Nintendo has published a new trailer for the next batch of units coming to Fire Emblem Heroes.

This latest banner features set of new characters from Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance, as well as Fire Emblem Heroes original character Laegjarn as an Ascended Hero:

  1. Volke: Man Of Mysteries
  2. Astrid: Resolute Damsel
  3. Marcia: Petulant Knight
  4. Laegjarn: Flame Ascendant
  5. Tanith: Bright Blade as non-focus 3*/4* hero

The summon banner will run from November 19th. In addition, the final story chapter for Book V “Spector Of Nidavellir” will be added.

Check out the trailer below for an overview of their skills and more:

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
