Nikkei Insists That Less Expensive Switch Is Still Coming This Summer

Nikkei Insists That Less Expensive Switch Is Still Coming This Summer

Earlier this week, Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa issued a statement saying that Nintendo had no plans to announce new hardware at E3, putting a dent in the rumors that new Switch revisions were launching in 2019.

Some fans however took Furukawa’s comments to mean that the rumored Switch revisions were still launching this year, just not planned to be announced at E3. After all, “not at E3” does not rule out the possibility of an announcement either slightly before or after the event.

Many news publications also picked up on this line of thought, such as Japanese publication Nikkei. Only hours after Furukawa’s statement, Nikkei released an article that continued to assert that the “Switch Lite” revision was coming this Summer, doubling down on their claims from a few weeks prior. It seems that whoever their sources are, Nikkei is quite confident that their intel is correct.

That said, only time will tell whether or not their claims will eventually be proven true. We will bring more info on the story as it develops.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

