Nintendo Shares Some Concept Art From Super Mario Odyssey

Nintendo Shares Some Concept Art From Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey may have launched 3 months ago, but Nintendo has so much more to share about the game’s development.

Today the official Super Mario Odyssey released two concept sketches featuring Cappy and the signature Mario throwing Cappy artwork. Have a look at them below!

“Here’s a sketch of Cappy’s final design. We decided with a silk hat, which transforms into many different kinds of hats, and went with white as Cappy’s primary color. When Cappy laughs, his eyes form the ‘M’ from Mario’s cap.”

“Here are some rough sketches of Mario posing. We wanted to convey the fun of throwing a cap through this piece of artwork. As there wasn’t much artwork depicting Mario with his cap off, we made sure Mario’s hair could be fully seen in this particular pose.”