Nintendo Shares New Splatoon Artwork For White Day 2020

Nintendo Shares New Splatoon Artwork For White Day 2020

Still feeling lovey-dovey after Valentine’s Day? This new scene from Inkopolis might just fit the mood.

The official Splatoon Twitter in Japan has shared a new piece of Splatoon series artwork, to mark White Day (March 14) in Japan. As per the occasion, we can see Agent 8 and Agent 3 share a mysterious (and somewhat slimy) gift.

Here’s the full artwork below:

For those out of the loop, White Day in Japan is when couples or friends reciprocate Valentine’s Days gifts that others gave them previously. It’s not clear if there’s something more than platonic going on with these two – but that probably depends on your own imagination!

On an additional note: this seems to be a fun follow-up to the Valentine’s Day artwork from last month – where we saw a male Agent 8 and female Agent 3 interacting instead!
