Rumor: Persona 5 The Royal Female Protagonist Datamined For Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Rumor: Persona 5 The Royal Female Protagonist Datamined For Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Last month, it was discovered that brand new Joker file names that related to a female version of the character were added in the latest update of Super Smash Bros Ultimate!

Well now it seems that after the announcement of Persona 5 The Royal with the new female protagonist, they could be a brand new fighter in the game!

Check it out below:

The code name for this character is titled “Jane” and her file names relate to ponytail hair movement and as we know the brand new protagonist has a ponytail which could support this claim!

This can only be considered a rumor for now as the character has only just been revealed for Persona 5 The Royal however it is possible she could be in the same DLC pack as Joker as an Echo or costume!


If we have any more information to share we will cover it here at NintendoSoup so stay tuned for more!