Runner3 Developers Explain The Changes In The Latest Game

Runner3 Developers Explain The Changes In The Latest Game

Runner3 is finally out and Runner veterans would notice some changes since the last game. Explaining the changes, Choice Provisions’ co-founders Alex Neuse and Mike Roush spoke to TinyCartridge about them.

Neuse said that the changes were made so that the game could be simplified, making things a little easier and more fun for the hands.

Alex Neuse: “Gameplay wise, personally, I wanted to simplify things a little bit. In some respects, there were too many moves in Runner1 and Runner2, and I wanted to get a little bit more pure of an experience, but then also add some nuance to that.” That nuance comes in the form of new double-jump and ground pound moves that, along with the existing glide, allow players to exert more direct control over CommanderVideo’s jump. “That was one thing for me that felt nice, as somebody who likes to think about ‘how do my hands feel when i’m playing a game?’ Runner3, when I’m doing really well my hands feel great.”

In Roush’s perspective, the changes were made to allow players to feel like they are really submerged into the Runner3 world.

Mike Roush: “I think we also really wanted to open up the world and make it this sort of deeper, richer experience where – really, when you look back at Runner2, it’s so sidescrolling platformer-y, and we wanted this to feel like more of a ‘Triple-I’ experience as they say, and pump up the production values and have this game where you feel like you’re really submerged in a world.” Neuse explained that the team felt Runner2’s world “basically exists to serve the player, or serve CommanderVideo, and we wanted Runner3 to feel like the world was just there and you were in it, instead of it just being there for you.”

You can read the full article by TinyCartridge on Runner3 here.

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