Someone Claims To Have Watched The Sonic Movie And Is Taking Questions

Someone Claims To Have Watched The Sonic Movie And Is Taking Questions

Reddit user Shreksdonkey572 recently posted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit, taking questions on the upcoming live action Sonic movie launching in 2019.

Shreksdonkey572 claimed that he watched an early version of the movie along with a friend who regularly goes for test screenings. Apparently he was asked to sign an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) to prevent anything from being leaked, and he wasn’t aware that the movie that was being screened was the Sonic movie until he was there.

Many details about the upcoming movie have been shared on the Reddit AMA. We won’t spoil it for you so click here if you’re interested to find out more. Overall it seems the movie will satisfy Sonic fans and people not familiar with Sonic.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.