The Super Famicom Classic Mini Shortage Has Ended In Japan

The Super Famicom Classic Mini Shortage Has Ended In Japan

When the Super Famicom Classic Mini first launched in Japan two months ago, it was relatively hard to find due to high demand in stores and online. There were even 800 people lining up to pre-order it and all sorts of lotteries to win a chance of buying one.

As of December 2017 things have turned for the better. The Super Famicom Classic Mini can now be easily found at brick-and-mortar stores. Customers no longer need to line up for lotteries in order to buy it. It’s also readily available online on Amazon Japan, Yodobashi Camera, Bic Camera, and dozens of other retailers. The abundance of stock has literally killed off scalpers on Rakuten and Yahoo Japan.

If you haven’t got yours yet you can import one from Amazon Japan here.