Super Robots Wars V And X Announced For Nintendo Switch In Japan

Super Robots Wars V And X Announced For Nintendo Switch In Japan

Loving Super Robot Wars T on the Switch? Well, it looks like Bandai Namco will be bringing even more of the awesome mecha strategy game to Nintendo fans in Japan!

The official Super Robot Wars Twitter page has recently revealed that Super Robot Wars V (2017) and Super Robots Wars X (2018) will be getting Switch ports in the future! While details are sparse, the next issue of Famitsu on 25 July 2019 will reveal more info!

Nintendo Switch and STEAM versions of “Super Robot Wars V” and “Super Robot Wars X” will be released! The details are published on the “Weekly edition Famitsu” released on July 25! Please check!

We’ll report back when we learn more about these two games ‘Switching’ over to Nintendo’s console! Stay tuned!
