The NBA 2K20 Trailer Which Glorified Gambling-Like Mechanics Has Been Taken Down, Following Widespread Backlash

The NBA 2K20 Trailer Which Glorified Gambling-Like Mechanics Has Been Taken Down, Following Widespread Backlash

Previously, we reported on the latest ‘My Team’ trailer for NBA 2K20 – which glorified gambling-like gameplay that consumes real-world money. Many fans and followers in the gaming space were quick to slam the trailer in no time, and now it looks like 2K Games have heard them loud and clear.

As of this weekend, that same trailer (below) was taken down from YouTube. According to second-hand reports, the trailer had as many as 11,000 dislikes compared to 3,000 likes before it disappeared from existence. The UK version of the trailer is still watchable – although it’s been set to private (so it can’t be searched for publicly).

For those out of the loop, the trailer originally depicted several NBA 2K20 players engaging with in-game slot machines, pachinko games, and even a roulette to win rare characters. Many criticized this as 2K Games clearly inviting young and gullible customers to throw real-world money at the game like a literal casino.

How the trailer was ever given the go-ahead is a true mystery in and of itself – especially since lawmakers worldwide are now scrutinizing lootboxes and micro-transactions in games with increasing concern.

2K Games has not commented officially on the matter, and are likely just hiding from all the bad press for now. We’ll report back if and when we hear more.
