Junichi Masuda Shares His Thoughts On Pokemon’s 23rd Anniversary
Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the Pokemon franchise. One of the most influential individuals behind it all, Junichi Masuda, has some words to share.
In a tweet on his personal Twitter account, Junichi Masuda looked back at the history of Pokemon, and thanked everyone for making Pokemon a huge franchise it is today. He also hopes fans will look forward to the future of Pokemon.
1996年2月27日、23年前の今日、ポケモンは生まれました。そこから漫画、アニメ、映画、商品と広がり、さらに世界に広がっていきました。多くの方々に支えられて今日という日があります。感謝しかありません。引き続き応援よろしくお願い致します!#ポケモン23周年 #みんなありがとう pic.twitter.com/6mayAhBL7O
— 増田順一@Pokémon (@Junichi_Masuda) February 27, 2019
On this day 23 years ago, February 27, 1996, Pokemon was born. From there, Pokemon expanded into manga, anime, movies, merchandise, and finally worldwide. Today is a day that happened thanks to the support of so many people. I have nothing but gratitude. I look forward to your never ending support!
Thanks, Brandon.