“Suit Up” Spirit Event Announced For Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Nintendo has announced the latest spirit board event for Super Smash Bros Ultimate starting May 17.
This time, the event revolves around spirits of characters that wear ties or bowties. Defeat these spirits to earn more spirit snacks than usual. Like the previous spirit board events, this one will last three days, starting this Friday.
5/17(金)から3日間、スピリッツボードのイベント「胸元引き締め、いざタイケツ!」を開催! 開催期間中、ネクタイや蝶ネクタイを身につけたスピリッツがたくさん出現! バトルに勝利すると、いつもより多めにおやつを入手できます。#スマブラSP pic.twitter.com/CSs9B5WVXS— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) May 15, 2019