Toby Fox Shares Progress Update For Deltarune, Full Soundtrack Should Exceed 100 Songs

Toby Fox Shares Progress Update For Deltarune, Full Soundtrack Should Exceed 100 Songs

After some radio-silence and the launch of Chapter One on Switch, fans might be wondering what’s going on with Deltarune today. Thankfully, the game’s developer Toby Fox finally spoke up.

In particular, Fox updated fans about the progress of future chapters in the game. Song-wise, he is now working on around 50 more tracks for the game – and foresees that the whole game will eventually exceed 100 songs or more in total! Additionally, he is drafting out more characters, bosses, and assets for future chapters.

Sounds like Deltarune is finally chugging along into something more complete! We’ll share more updates about the RPG as we hear more!
