Three New Characters Join The Party In The Alliance Alive
Today Atlus introduces three new characters joining The Alliance Alive.
The characters are Gene (Signimancer), Rachel (mercenary), and Tiggy (a young girl).
Find out more details about the three characters in the latest trailer below! The Alliance Alive launches March 27, 2018 in North America, exclusively on Nintendo 3DS.
Today, we’re going to introduce three more characters who could help you out. First up, we have Gene, a signimancer which is a special type of mage that uses artifacts to wield magic, who belongs to the Signimancy Guild. He tends to look at the big picture and avoids acting emotionally. He is valued by the Daemons for his knowledge and eloquence. Next, we have Rachel, a mercenary employed by the Signimancy Guild. She’s the opposite of Gene, with a fiery temperament, impulsively acting as soon as an idea pops into her head. She often argues with Gene because of their contrasting viewpoints. Though they argue, Gene and Rachel do set their views aside to fight for the cause. Finally, we have Tiggy, a young girl researching the global threat called the “Dark Current.” She calls herself “The Genius Professor” and has used her intellect to create strange inventions. Don’t underestimate these inventions just because of their silly animal looks … monsters can’t stand against them!