Pokemon: Twilight Wings Episode 6 Premiers 3rd July
The Pokemon Company has announced the airdate for the next episode of Pokemon Twilight Wings.
As announced on Twitter, the Sixth episode of Pokemon: Twilight Wings will premier on 3 July 2020 via the Pokemon Youtube Channels. Judging from the preview, this episode (titled ‘Moonlight’) will feature the mask-wearing, ghost-type gym leader Allister!
『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド』のオリジナルアニメ作品「薄明の翼」の第6話の公開日時が7月3日(金)14時に決定したよ!
これまでのお話も振り返ってみてね!https://t.co/xbMxuJNLOm #薄明の翼 #ポケモン剣盾 pic.twitter.com/J8Darp9WkE— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) June 26, 2020
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