Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Version 11.0.0 Update Coming Soon
Nintendo has announced that a new update for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be going live soon.
The update will bring the game up to Version 11.0.0, and will presumably include several bugfixes and other tweaks to the game. It is also highly likely that this update will add in the recently-announced Pyra/Mythra DLC content, some time after Sakurai hosts an online presentation for the character on 4 March 2021.
As always, players should convert their replays of past matches in order to save them, as past version replays will not be compatible after the update. Players can do this from the main menu by going to Vault -> Replays -> Replay Data -> Convert to Video.
近日中に更新データVer. 11.0を配信します。更新すると、それまで保存していたリプレイが再生できなくなる場合がありますのでご注意ください。残したいリプレイがある場合、「コレクション」→「リプレイ」→「リプレイデータ」→「動画にする」で動画に変換してください。#スマブラSP— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) March 3, 2021
We’ll report back as further details emerge. Stay tuned!