Shin Megami Tensei V Release Date Potentially Leaked By Official Japanese Website

Shin Megami Tensei V Release Date Potentially Leaked By Official Japanese Website

The official Japanese website for Atlus’s upcoming Shin Megami Tensei V may have accidentally revealed the game’s release date – and it seems like it might be arriving sooner than we think!

The website was mistakenly updated with information pertaining to the title’s release, including the release date of 11 November 2021. As it was previously announced that Shin Megami Tensei V will have a worldwide simultaneous release, we can expect the game to be released in other regions at around the same time as well.

As of writing this article, the aforementioned information has since been taken down from the website, which might be an indicator that the leaked details are true. We will report back as more information on this title is released, so stay tuned!
