Kimishima: Expanding The Switch Causal Audience Is My 2018 Priority
There’s recently been lots of talk of Nintendo targeting the casual audience with unique concepts such as Nintendo Labo, in an effort to attract these customers to purchase a Nintendo Switch.
In an interview with Japanese newspaper Ascii, Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima further emphasized his plan to attract the casual audience to Nintendo Switch in its crucial second year. Have a look at what he has to say below…
Ascii – In the first year (of Nintendo Switch), many core gamers became aware of it.
Kimishima – As expected, core gamers have understood the concept (of Nintendo Switch) after its launch. That said, after Super Mario Odyssey was released, the number of families playing Nintendo games have slowly started to increased.
Ascii – So your plan is to further broaden the casual audience in the second year (of Nintendo Switch)?
Kimishima: Yes. There are certainly many casual gamers who ignore ordinary games. Shouldn’t we expand the audience by making the same people think, “Nintendo Switch has become a huge topic recently, perhaps I should try it out?”
To further explain the meaning behind what I said, Nintendo Labo was announced at the timing (people felt that). Many people seem to have been surprised by its news.