Metroid Prime 4 Dev Retro Studios Updates Twitter With Mysterious New Banner

Metroid Prime 4 Dev Retro Studios Updates Twitter With Mysterious New Banner

For those keeping track, it has now been three years since Metroid Prime 4 restarted development under Retro Studios, with almost no information being revealed about the title since.

Today, eagle-eyed fans may have noticed that Retro Studios has just updated their Twitter banner with what could be some new art for Metroid Prime 4. Previously, the banner only showed a larger version of Retro Studios’ logo, but now depicts a shadowy figure that looks like Samus Aran, standing in an eerie looking hallway.

Naturally, this change has led to a flurry of hopeful speculation that more news about the game might finally be coming, although Retro Studios and Nintendo have yet to say anything themselves. We will be sure to report back on any updates as they come.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
