An Official Psyduck Teapot Is Being Produced In Japan

An Official Psyduck Teapot Is Being Produced In Japan

Pokemon fans will soon have a new way to brew and enjoy tea – straight from the beak of Psyduck!

Ensky and The Pokemon Company are teaming up to produce an officially-licensed Psyduck Teapot, which measures in at 150×110×180mm and launches in April 2022. According to Ensky, each teapot will be handmade by a minoyaki artisan (Minoyaki being a type of ceramic from the Gifu prefecture in Japan) and will cost a hefty 13,200 yen.

Here are some additional pictures below:

Currently, it looks like pre-orders for the teapot are only exclusive within Japan – but we’ll report back if international options open up in the future.
