Splatoon 3 Updated To Version 2.0.1. Fixes Inkbrush And Roller Bug

Splatoon 3 Updated To Version 2.0.1. Fixes Inkbrush And Roller Bug

Nintendo has released a new update for Splatoon 3.

The update brings the game up to Version 2.0.1., and fixes a bug which was causing the Inkbrush and Roller to not fire correctly. You can check out the full patchnotes below:

Ver. 2.0.1 (Released December 8, 2022)

Changes to Player Controls
  • Fixed an issue that caused ink levels to immediately decrease when using a roller or brush close to the ground.
Other Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to force quit when the Equip menu is opened.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to force quit during Photo Mode in recon if the player tried to close Photo Mode after using an amiibo.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed temporary aliases set in Private Battles to be used in other modes.

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