Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Terastal Cap And CoroCoro Magazine Paradox Pokemon Distributions Detailed
The Pokemon Company has announced some new mystery gift distributions for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.
The first distribution is for a unique clothing item: A cap with the Terastal symbol on it. This code will be shared during the broadcast of the next week’s episode of the Pokemon anime in Japan.
Serebii Note: The distribution to go live next week is to be of a special Terastal symbol cap https://t.co/NWlAdn57aQ https://t.co/duct13kEZr pic.twitter.com/mRi9aPnmdv
— Serebii.net (@SerebiiNet) December 15, 2023
Next, more details about the previously announced Paradox Pokemon distribution for CoroCoro Magazine have been detailed. According to reports, the January 2024 issue of CoroCoro will include two serial codes, each redeeming one of three random sets of Paradox Pokemon: Flutter Mane & Iron Jugulis, Scream Tail & Iron Hands, as finally, Brute Bonnet & Iron Thorns.
Serebii Update: A new distribution has been confirmed for Japan. In next month's CoroCoro, you can get a duo of serial codes for 1 of 3 sets of Paradox Pokémon.
Details @ https://t.co/NWlAdn57aQ pic.twitter.com/eBcat5uVRg
— Serebii.net (@SerebiiNet) December 15, 2023
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