Amazon Games Head Says They Plan To Develop For The Switch Successor

Amazon Games Head Says They Plan To Develop For The Switch Successor

A few months back, Nintendo officially announced that a successor to the Nintendo Switch was in the works, with more details set to be announced sometime this fiscal year.

Although the new console has yet to be officially revealed, Amazon Games CEO Christoph Hartmann has voiced excitement for the platform, claiming that the company plans to develop games for it once it arrives. He does however clarify that they aren’t in a rush to get their hands on it, preferring that it launches “when it’s ready”.

“Yeah, we obviously plan to develop games for it and I can’t wait for it to be out. I mean, honestly, I’d rather have them wait a year and get it perfect than rush it to the market and then we all complain about what doesn’t work. Switch has been such a fantastic product, I can wait another year if I have to. And from development, I think most non-Nintendo developers are not exclusively doing titles for the Switch. They’re always part of a portfolio mix of platform mix. Just wait.”

Amazon Games is currently working on a number of projects, such as a new Tomb Raider game. However, none of them have been confirmed for Switch as of this writing. Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

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