Arcade Archives Double Dragon And ACA NeoGeo Power Spikes II Coming To Switch
Hamster Corporation has announced Arcade Archives: Double Dragon and ACA NeoGeo Power Spikes II will be released tomorrow (January 18, 2018) on the Switch eShop worldwide.
Both titles will cost USD7.99/823 yen each. Arcade Archives: Double Dragon will support up to 2 players.
“DOUBLE DRAGON” is an action game that was released from Technos Japan in 1987. Two brothers fight with evil, to rescue Marian that has been kidnapped by violence organization.
POWER SPIKES II is a sports game released in 1994 by VIDEO SYSTEM. It features the Hyper Mode where the world’s strongest 8 teams compete along with the World Men’s and World Women’s teams in this futuristic fighting volleyball. In Hyper Mode, commands for special serves and spikes can be input for an intense battle.