[UPDATE] Ball Guy Takes Over Pokemon Twitter Accounts, Gives Out Free Pokeball Codes For Pokemon Sword/Shield
Those of you who play Pokemon Sword And Shield may be familiar with Ball Guy, an…interesting looking NPC who hands out special Pokeballs to players throughout their journey.
Due to his strange and humorous appearance, Ball Guy has become a popular meme character in the Pokemon community. Now, it seems that Ball Guy has taken over both the official English and Japanese Pokemon Twitter accounts, changing their profile pictures and sharing footage of him in-game.
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) December 19, 2019
ボク #ボールガイ だ ボルよ~!
突然だけど みんなに
すてきな ボールを あげちゃうボル!今日の 20時までに 「#ボールガイチャレンジ」が
ツイートされた 数によって
プレゼントする ボールが 増えるボル!ツイート 待ってるボルね~!#ポケモン剣盾 pic.twitter.com/WBH4w3kZsN
— 【公式】ポケモン情報局 (@poke_times) December 19, 2019
According to a rough translation of the Japanese Tweet, it seems that Ball Guy will be giving players “a nice ball” depending on the number of tweets/retweets his takeover receives before 8pm JST. We will be sure to bring further updates on this reward should this be the case.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
[UPDATE]: As thanks for 2,000 tweets using Ball Guy’s hashtag, The Japanese Pokemon Twitter account has updated with a gift code which can be redeemed in Pokemon Sword/Shield. This code gives players 1 Level Ball, 1 Moon Ball and 1 Fast Ball. The code is ‘K0UN1NMASC0T‘, and can be redeemed via Mystery Gift.
まいど おなじみ
ボク #ボールガイ だ ボルよ~!みんなの おかげで
2,000回 ツイートされた ボル!ありがとう ボルね~!
を あげるボル!あいことばは 「K0UN1NMASC0T」ボルよ~#ポケモン剣盾 pic.twitter.com/WqTPpYbn44
— 【公式】ポケモン情報局 (@poke_times) December 19, 2019
[UPDATE 2]: The Japanese Pokemon Twitter account has published two more codes redeeming two more sets of Pokeballs.
1YAHAYA: Heavy Ball, Lure Ball, Beast Ball
0KUGAFUKA1B0RU: Love Ball, Friend Ball, Dream Ball
These codes are redeemable until 15th January 2020.