Breath Of The Wild Wins Game Of The Year At DICE Awards 2018, Takeda Receives His Prize
During this year’s DICE Awards, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild received the Game of the Year award.
Now retired Nintendo hardware chief Genyo Takeda was also there to receive his reward and give his speech. Check out the videos below to see Genyo Takeda’s speech and Nintendo receiving the Game of the Year award for Breath of the Wild.
The Legend of #Zelda: Breath of the Wild is your #DICEAwards GAME OF THE YEAR!
CONGRATULATIONS @NintendoAmerica! pic.twitter.com/FqP5ca2is8
— IGN (@IGN) February 23, 2018
Here's Genyo Takeda's acceptance speech from the #DICEAwards!
Congratulations Mr.Takeda! pic.twitter.com/czKXetzwpO
— IGN (@IGN) February 23, 2018