Celebrate Thanksgiving With A Couple Of New My Nintendo Discount Rewards
To celebrate Thanksgiving, a couple of new discount rewards have been added to My Nintendo in North America.
First up are some discounts for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U titles, which you can check out below.
A warm and woolly cozy platform:
○20% discount on Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World™
Get ready to unleash ninja-tossing pandemonium!
○ 50% discount on Tokyo Crash Mobs™(Nintendo 3DS)
Create, decorate, and share fun holiday photos with your friends!
○ 50% discount on Sparkle Snapshots™ 3D (Nintendo 3DS)
Virtual Nintendo game theme park filled with fun attractions
○ 30% discount on Nintendo Land™ (Wii U)
Lastly there’s a Style Savvy: Fashion Forward 20% off discount that is available till December 22, 2017. Grab it here.