Chicken Wiggle Workshop Kickstarter To Launch Next Week
Chicken Wiggle, the 3DS puzzle-platformer from Atooi, may be getting a shiny new coat of paint, and a second chance on the Switch.
In our review, we found the game had plenty of charm and fun, but its release was met with “shockingly low” sales. So it’s not surprising then that the developers would want to bring this lovingly crafted game to a console with a hotter download scene.
And on Twitter, they announced just that.
CHICKEN WIGGLE WORKSHOP takes all of the eggsellent content from the original Nintendo 3DS game and brings it to #NintendoSwitch with beautiful new HD artwork. A new @kickstarter campaign hatches next week, on March 6. This is no yolk! https://t.co/gvnVdsE9AH pic.twitter.com/NLeNzQdv7L
— Atooi (@AtooiLLC) February 27, 2018
The game will be coming to Switch via a Kickstarter campaign. And if this teaser tweet is any indication, it will be more than just a straight port, with “beautiful new HD artwork.” We will be sure to keep you updated with further details as they become available.
Will you be backing this bird? Let us know below!