Fans Draws Link Between Mario Odyssey’s First and Last Power Moon
You end where you start, a complete cycle at least from what they say. And just like they said, Super Mario Odyssey fans think that they might have uncovered proof of that in Super Mario Odyssey.
Game Spoiler Alert:
At the start of the game, Mario get’s his first Super Moon and topples down a huge large structure that resembles a reverse tower, crossing it from the “top” to the “bottom”. In the end, Mario climbs a tower on the moon, from the “bottom” to the “top” to get his last Super Moon.
You can watch the video below from GameXplain which explains the reference very well.
While all this seem to point to something, I’m still unconvinced of the references. We can draw lines and make something connected to everything and I think this reference may just be one of those cases. Let us know what do you think in the comments.