Pokemon fans can now grab even more soft and adorable friends for their growing plushie collections!
Sanei Boeki’s All-Star Collection plushies for female Pikachu/Eevee (with their unique tails), Horsea, Mr. Mime, Bayleaf, Quilava, Croconaw, Sentret, Flygon, Riolu, and Steenee are now up for pre-order via the Amazon Japan links below. They should all ship internationally starting from 7 November 2020, as long as the seller is stated as “Amazon.co.jp”.
Still growing your Pokemon plush collection? Well, the end of this year will bring even more new friends to the fold! Sanei Boeki has revealed series 15 of its All Star Collection Pokemon plushies, which will be launching in November 2020. There are many new additions this time – such as…
Love the mischievous look of Galarian Meowth? Well, now you can grab a plush version of the cheeky feline to keep around! Sanei Boeki has revealed an All Star Collection plushie for the Scratch Cat pokemon, which will measure at around 19.5×17×10 cm. You can pre-order yours from Amazon Japan…
Ready to expand your collection of Pokemon plushies once more? Look out, because more Galar friends are on their way! Sanei Boeki has confirmed that it will be adding Toxel, Toxtricity, Galarian Corsola, Pincurchin, Milcery, Morpeko, Yamper, and Hatenna to its All Star Collection plush toy series. For now, this…
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