Flyhigh Works CEO: Nintendo Rescued The Digital Games Market From Death
In a recent Famitsu interview, Flyhigh Works CEO Kou Seigai was asked to comment on how the digital game market has changed from 2015 to 2017.
Seigai says that 2015 was a very hard time for Flyhigh Works, but with the introduction of Nintendo Switch in 2017, digital console games are now in the limelight and this has given Flyhigh Works a new chance to deliver interesting games to customers.
You can have a look at Seigai’s full comments below.
Famitsu: As you’ve mentioned, 2015 and beyond were harsh times for downloadable games. With the release of Nintendo Switch in 2017, how has the landscape surrounding downloadable games changed?
Seigai: I believe it’s changed for the better. During the time digital game sales were at their peak on Nintendo 3DS, there were many users who pointed out the good aspects and bad aspects of games.
We didn’t really see this type of enthusiastic users anymore (in 2015 – 2016), but after the release of Nintendo Switch, digital games are once again in the spotlight, and the hardcore enthusiastic fans have returned.
A declining digital market has been rescued and expanded by none other than Nintendo, and it’s all thanks to them that we have a new chance of enthusiastically delivering interesting games to customers.