Full-Fledged Traditional Action Game “Hinomaruko” Announced For Nintendo Switch
Action game fans surely have something interesting to look forward to when Hinomaruko launches on the hybrid platform.
A new game called Hinomaruko has been announced coming by Pikii and Tamsoft for the Nintendo Switch. Not much details have been revealed but according to a Twitter post, the game will be a full-fledged action title. The protagonist is described to be a girl who fights giant mechas in a military-centric world.
A teaser website has also been launched.
Here’s the tweet:
New title “Hinomaruko” First revealed at #TGS2019! #Pikii A teaser trailer is available for viewing at the booth! Novelty items will also be distributed to those who have viewed the trailer!
新作タイトル「日之丸子」を #TGS2019 で初出し!#Pikii ブース でティザートレイラーを公開!
トレーラーを閲覧された方にはノベルティも配布します! pic.twitter.com/fcU45DnMNu— 日之丸子 (@Hinomaruko_jp) September 12, 2019
I am in charge of the development of a new title “Hinomaruko” that has been announced! A full-fledged action title where a girl confronts a giant mecha in a military world!
Pikii様 @PikiiGK よりアナウンスがありました新規タイトル「日之丸子」の開発を担当しております!
ミリタリーな世界観を舞台に少女が巨大メカへ立ち向かう本格アクションタイトルです! pic.twitter.com/QDzFg7WZhn— TAMSOFT CORPORATION (@tamsoft_corp) September 12, 2019