Galarian Slowbro Typing, Ability, And Signature Move Detailed
The Pokemon Company has updated the Pokemon Sword And Shield expansion pass website with more details about Galarian Slowbro.
The revealed details includes Galarian Slowbro’s typing, ability, as well as its signature move. You can check out a summary below, or read the full feature on the Pokemon website here.
Type: Poison/Psychic
Ability: Quick Draw
Signature Move: Shell Side Arm ~ Shell Side Arm is a Poison-type special move in which this Pokémon fires poisonous liquid from the tip of the Shellder attached to its arm. This move may poison the target. Moreover, it inflicts either physical or special damage depending on which will damage the target more.
Galarian Slowbro will be added to Pokemon Sword And Shield along with the Isle of Armor Expansion on June 17.
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