Game Freak Open to Revisit Past Pokemon Games

Game Freak Open to Revisit Past Pokemon Games

In the latest issue of Game Informer (Link), Game Freak co-founder Junichi Masada sat down and gave a few comments on his take of Pokemon game remakes.

In the interview, Masada said:

“I don’t think we’re focused exclusively on making all new stuff. I think it’s important – the nostalgia factor is one thing – to give these memories, this content, another chance to shine for new players. And as a player myself I enjoy that kind of thing, as well.”

Since the days of Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green, Game Freak has never shied away at making Pokemon remakes. So far, they have revisited the first three generations during the Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, and 3DS era.

While we still have no confirmation on what Game Freak plan on revisiting, I doubt many would mind them revisiting a little here and there.

Source: Link