Guide: How To Evolve Galarian Slowpoke, Rockruff, And Magneton In Pokemon Sword/Shield
With the release of the Pokemon Sword And Shield Isle Of Armor expansion, players now have the opportunity to evolve their Galarian Slowpokes into Galarian Slowbros, as well as the ability to use the Rockruff line and Mageneton line in the game.
Compared to previous games, these Pokemon have slightly different evolution methods in Pokemon Sword And Shield. Firstly, Galarian Slowpoke requires an item called the Galarica Cuff, which can be obtained by bringing 8 Galarica Twigs to an NPC in the Isle Of Armor. Using the Galarica Cuff on Galarian Slowpoke allows it to evolve into Galarian Slowbro. The NPC can be found on a small island in the Workout Sea, at the bottom left corner of the map.
Secondly, Rockruff’s evolutions are no longer tied to the games like in Pokemon Sun/Moon. Instead, it will evolve strictly based on the time of day regardless of which game the player owns, according to the following times:
- Midday Form in the Day
- Midnight Form at Night
- Dusk Form between 7PM to 7.59PM, provided its ability is Own Tempo.
Finally, Magneton’s evolution method has been updated to use the Thunderstone, and is no longer tied to “Magnetic Field” environments as in previous games.
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