Guide: How To Load Backup Save Data For Pokemon Legends Arceus

Guide: How To Load Backup Save Data For Pokemon Legends Arceus

Like most recent games in the series, Pokemon Legends Arceus includes an auto-save feature which can be useful for ensuring that players do not accidentally lose progress, but can also get them stuck in unfavorable situations, such as a softlock caused by a bug or glitch.

Luckily, Pokemon Legends Arceus contains a way to access a hidden backup save file, which could help players recover their game in the event of an issue. The backup save can be accessed in a similar way to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl‘s backup save feature as follows:

  1. Start Pokémon Legends Arceus from the Nintendo Switch home screen. Ensure that the game has been completely closed before doing this.
  2. Upon reaching the Title Screen with the game’s logo and some scenery from the game, press UP, X, and B at the same time.
  3. If this has been executed correctly, players will be taken to a screen that shows the details of their backup save, with the option “Load Backup Save File” shown in the bottom right.
  4. Players can then press “A” to load this backup save.
  5. A warning message will appear explaining that the backup save will overwrite the original save the next time the player saves the game.

Typically this backup save file will be the one made immediately prior to the player’s latest save file, although there have been some reports suggesting that it will always be a forced auto-save made whenever the player travels to a camp. Nevertheless, this hidden feature could be the final resort for players who are stuck, or are otherwise having issues with progressing through the game.

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