Guide: Tips To Complete Pokemon Scarlet/Violet’s 7-Star Pikachu Tera Raid
Over the course of this weekend, Pokemon Scarlet And Violet players will be challenging their fourth 7 Star Tera Raid, which features a Water Tera Type Pikachu.
Although Pikachu seems like an odd choice for a 7-Star raid, it is extremely powerful with special bonuses beyond the raids that came before. It also gives out a great deal of useful rewards such as Vitamins, Rare Candies, and Ability Patches. This makes being able to complete the raid consistently extremely useful. Below you will find some quick tips and tricks for beating this Raid Battle, as discovered and shared by many members of the Pokemon community.
How To Unlock 7-Star Raids
In order to even participate in this raid battle, players will need to progress far enough in the game to qualify for 7-Star raids. This essentially means meeting the following requirements:
- Have completed the story and seen the end credits
- Have completed all Gym Rematches and the Academy Ace Tournament
- Have completed 10 or more raids rated 4* and above.
Once you have completed these steps, the 7-Star Raid will appear both in your overworld as well as on the Tera Raid board.
PIkachu’s Ability and Moves
- The Tera Raid Pikachu has a Water Tera-Type, meaning that it does more damage with its Water moves in addition to its Electric moves.
- As a Water Tera-Type, it is weak to Grass and Electric type attacks, however, because Pikachu’s ability is Lightning Rod, it is immune to Electric-Type moves.
- Pikachu starts with a full Tera Raid Shield immediately when the battle begins, making it immune to status moves, and reducing the damage of moves that are not from a Terastalized Pokemon.
- Pikachu is equipped with the Light Ball item, which doubles its attacking stats, allowing it to do much higher damage than normal.
- Pikachu will always open the raid by using Rain Dance, to boost the power of its Water Type moves, followed by Surf, which deals powerful Water-Type Special damage.
- Pikachu’s notable moves include the following:
- Surf ~ A powerful Water-Type Special attack
- Thunder ~ A powerful Electric-Type Special Attack with a chance to paralyze
- Play Rough ~ A powerful Fairy-Type Physical Attack with a chance to reduce physical defense
- Iron Tail ~ A powerful Steel-Type Physical Attack with a chance to flinch
- Rain Dance ~ Status move that sets heavy rain, boosting the power of Water-Type moves, and ensures Thunder will always hit.
General Recommendations
- Avoid using Pokemon with a weakness to Water, Electric, Fairy, and Steel moves. Fainting in battle reduces the timer, and if it reaches zero before Pikachu is defeated, everyone will fail the raid battle.
- Avoid using Fairy Type Pokemon even if they were useful in a previous Raid. Staple Fairy Types such as Azumarill and Sylveon are quite fail, a single Iron Tail will likely cause them to faint.
- Use Level 100 Pokemon to maximize your chance of successfully completing the raid.
- Use Vitamins to maximize your Pokemon’s key stats to increase your chance of successfully completing the Raid.
- Use Cheers when necessary
- Go For It! ~ Boosts Attacking stats.
- Heal Up! ~ Heals HP and cures Status conditions.
- Use Pokemon with a Grass Tera-Type to take down its Tera Shield.
- Pokemon that know the move Knock-Off may be useful to remove Pikachu’s Light Ball, reducing the damage it does to the team.
Recommended Pokemon
- Grass/Dragon typing makes resistant to most of Pikachu’s attacks, taking 1/4 damage from its most powerful move Surf.
- Despite being weak to Pikachu’s Play Rough, Appletun’s high HP and physical Defense allows it to survive the hits, even more so so after using Iron Defense.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Modest Nature
- Max out Sp.Atk with Calcium
- Max out HP with HPUp
- Recommended Moves:
- Apple Acid~ Powerful special Grass Type attack which also reduces the opponent’s Sp.Defense.
- Amnesia ~ Sharply increases Appletun’s Sp.Defense stat.
- Iron Defense ~ Sharply increases Appletun’s Defense stat.
- Recover ~ Recovers Appletun’s HP
- Recommended Items:
- Covert Cloak ~ Protects Appletun from the secondary effects of Pikachu’s moves, such as the paralysis from Thunder
- Strategy (Main Attacker)
- Appletun is capable of soloing the Raid with enough patience.
- Boost Appletun’s defenses by using Iron Defense and Amnesia repeatedly, which will make Pikachu unable to do much damage to it.
- Use Apple Acid until you are able to Terastalize into a Grass-Type, do so, then whittle down Pikachu’s HP, using Recover where necessary.
- Grass/Normal typing makes resistant to most of Pikachu’s Attacks.
- Ability Seed Sower sets up Grassy Terrain after being attacked, which will recover the whole party’s HP.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Modest Nature
- Max out Sp.Atk with Calcium
- Max out HP with HPUp
- Required Moves:
- Sunny Day ~ Sets up harsh sun weather, which removes the effects of Pikachu’s Rain Dance.
- Giga Drain ~ Grass-Type Special Attack which does damage while also recovering Arbolivia’s HP.
- Growth ~ Boosts Arbolivia’s Sp.Atk and Atk.
- Energy Ball~ Grass-Type Special Attack which reduces Pikachu’s Sp.Def.
- Solar Beam ~ Powerful Grass-Type Special Attack which does massive damage, but requires a turn to recharge. Under Sunny Day, the recharge requirement is removed, allowing Arbolivia to continuously use Solar Beam to deplete Pikachu’s HP.
- Recommended Items:
- Covert Cloak ~ Protects Arbolivia from the secondary effects of Pikachu’s moves, such as the paralysis from Thunder
- Strategy (Main Attacker)
- Use Sunny Day to remove Pikachu’s rain weather.
- Use Growth to boost stats.
- Use Energy Ball and Giga Drain to heal, do damage, and increase Tera Charge.
- Terastalize into a Grass-Type and repeat the above.
- If you are running Solar Beam and Sunny Day is up, you can spam Solar Beam to finish the fight faster.
- Grass typing makes it resistant to most of Pikachu’s moves.
- Ability Contrary reverses the effects of Stat changes, meaning that any moves that would decrease Lurantis’ stats would increse them instead, and vice versa.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Modest Nature
- Max out Sp.Atk with Calcium
- Max out HP with HPUp
- Recommended Moves:
- Leaf Storm ~ Powerful Grass-Type Sp.Atk that also sharply reduces Lurantis’ Sp.Atk, however, due to the effects of Contrary, it will sharply increase Lurantis’ Sp.Atk instead.
- Sunny Day ~ Sets up harsh sun weather, which removes the effects of Pikachu’s Rain Dance.
- Solar Beam ~ Powerful Grass-Type Special Attack which does massive damage, but requires a turn to recharge. Under Sunny Day, the recharge requirement is removed, allowing Lurantis to continuously use Solar Beam to deplete Pikachu’s HP.
- Synthesis ~ Recovers HP when used, effect is doubled in sunny weather.
- Recommended Items:
- Covert Cloak ~ Protects Lurantis from the secondary effects of Pikachu’s moves, such as the paralysis from Thunder
- Strategy (Main Attacker)
- Use Sunny Day to remove Pikachu’s rain weather.
- Use Leaf Storm to damage Pikachu while also boosting your Sp.Atk stats and charging the Tera Orb
- Use Synthesis to recover when necessary.
- Once the Tera Orb is charged, Terastalize and spam Leaf Storm or Solar Beam if sunny weather is up.
- Poison/Ground typing makes it resistant to most of Pikachu’s moves.
- Ability Water Absorb allows it to recover HP when hit by Pikachu’s Surf.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Bold Nature
- Max out HP with HPUp
- Max our Def with Zinc
- Recommended Moves:
- Earth Power ~ Powerful Ground-Type Special Attack.
- Acid Spray ~ Poison-Type attack that reduces Pikachu’s Sp.Def
- Mud-Slap ~ Ground-Type attack that reduces Pikachu’s Accuracy
- Chilling Water ~ Water-Type Special Attack which reduces opponent’s Attack stat.
- Recover ~ Recovers half of Clodsire’s HP when used.
- Recommended Items:
- Covert Cloak ~ Protects Clodsire from the secondary effects of Pikachu’s moves, such as the paralysis from Thunder
- Strategy (Support)
- Use Chilling Water or Mud-Slap to cripple Pikachu’s damage output.
- Use Acid Spray to reduce Pikachu’s Sp.Def and allow the Main Attacker to do more damage.
- Terastalize and use Earth Power to wear down Pikachu’s Tera Shield
- Cheer or use Recover when necessary.
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