Guide: Where To Catch All Legendary Pokemon In Pokemon Legends Arceus
Aside from the titular Arceus, Pokemon Legends Arceus features a number of Legendary Pokemon that the player will have to locate and capture in order to complete the region’s first Pokedex.
Below you will find a quick guide explaining where and how to find all of the Legendary Pokemon that can be caught in the game. It should be noted however that not every Legendary Pokemon is required to be caught in order to complete the Pokedex, as event Pokemon such as Darkrai and Shaymin are excluded.
Check it all out after the Spoiler Warning:
Dialga & Palkia
Both are caught as part of completing the main story. Siding with the Diamond Clan when prompted will allow players to capture Dialga first, while siding with the Pearl Clan will allow players to capture Palkia first. The opposing Legendary will be captured near the end of the main story.
Initially encountered as part of a main story quest. During the initial encounter, players must defeat an Alpha Hisuian Zoroark and answer Uxie’s riddle with the numbers “60131” to complete its trial.
After beating the main story, it can be caught at Lake Acuity North of the Alabastar Icelands after receiving the quest from new character Cogita.
Initially encountered as part of a main story quest. During the initial encounter, players must defeat an Alpha Goodra to reach Mespirit.
After beating the main story, it can be caught at Lake Verity West of the Obsidian Fieldlands after receiving the quest from new character Cogita.
Initially encountered as part of a main story quest. During the initial encounter, players must defeat an Alpha Overqwil, then participate in a trial to hit Azelf with balm. Players must answer “No” every time Azelf asks if they want to give up, in order to pass its trial.
After beating the main story, it can be caught at Lake Valor North of the Crimson Mirelands after receiving the quest from new character Cogita.
After beating the main story, the quest to catch Heatran can be received from new character Cogita.
It can then be battled and caught in a cave located in the Volcano to the North West on Firespit Island, inside the Cobalt Coastlands. To defeat Heatran, players must destroy its shield using mud balls scattered across the ground, then send out a Pokemon to battle it.
After beating the main story, the quest to catch Cresselia can be received from new character Cogita.
It can then be battled and caught in the Moonview Arena in the Northern area of the Coronet Highlands. To defeat Cresselia, players must wait for its shield to drop before sending a Pokemon out to battle it. The shield causes players to get confused if they come too close.
After beating the main story, the quest to catch Regigigas can be received from new character Cogita.
It can then be battled and caught at Snowpoint Temple in the Alabastar Icelands. To reach Regigigas, players must travel to the basement of the temple, and possess the Iron Plate, Icicle Plate, and Stone Plate.
During the initial visit to Snowpoint Temple as part of the main story, players will have to solve a puzzle where they must open a series of doors by pressing their stone plates in the correct order. The answers to which are as follows:
- Door 1: Rock, Steel, Ice
- Door 2: Ice, Rock, Steel, Rock, Ice
- Door 3: Steel, Ice, Rock, Ice, Steel, Rock
Giratina is initially encountered after speaking to Volo at the Temple Of Sinnoh in the Coronet Highlands, after collecting enough Elemental Plates. This requires players to complete the main story, as well as completing the quests to capture all the previously listed Legendary Pokemon.
After defeating Giratina in the initial encounter, it can be caught in Turnback Cave in the Cobalt Coastlands.
After beating the main story, the quest to catch Tornadus can be received from new character Cogita.
It can then be caught in Bonechill Wastes of Alabaster Islands during blizzard.
After beating the main story, the quest to catch Thunderus can be received from new character Cogita.
It can then be caught in the water of Cobalt Coastlands by Pillars of Coastland Campsite during heavy rain via quest from Cogita.
After beating the main story, the quest to catch Landorus can be received from new character Cogita.
It can then be caught in Ramnas Park in Obsidian Fieldlands after receiving quest from Cogita.
After beating the main story, the quest to catch Enamorous can be received from new character Cogita. This requires that players complete the Pokedex entries for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus.
It can then be caught in Scarlet Bog in the Crimson Mirelands after receiving quest from Cogita.
Can be caught at the Temple Of Sinnoh after capturing every Pokemon in the Pokedex. Does not require completing 100% of the game’s research tasks.
Manaphy & Phione
Can be caught by fulfilling the Sea’s Legend as follows:
- Have Buizel, Mantyke, and Overquill in your party
- Surf through the two pillars in Cobalt Coastlands in the evening
- Go to Seaside Hollow for encounter
Can be caught through a sidequest obtained from having Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl save data. The request can be activated by checking Laventon’s blackboard at his lab after beating the main story. It can be captured at Clamberclaw Cliffs in the Coronet Highlands.
Can be caught through a sidequest obtained from having Pokemon Sword/Shield save data. The request can be activated by talking to the NPC Medi at the Obsidian Fieldlands camp, who will direct you to the Floaro Gardens where Shaymin can be captured.
Note: If you accidentally cause a Legendary to faint, they can be respawned by leaving the area and coming back later.
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