Japan: Pokemon Weddings Will Include Pikachu Meet-And-Greet

Japan: Pokemon Weddings Will Include Pikachu Meet-And-Greet

Previously, we reported that Escrit would be offering reservations for Pokemon-themed weddings in Japan soon. In addition to unique wedding cakes and Poké Ball macarons, however, Escrit will also include one more awesome experience for couples.

The company revealed via email that the Pokemon wedding packages will also include a meet-and-greet with authentic Pikachu mascots! Namely, two Pikachu mascots will be present to greet and congratulate the couple, during a special segment of the wedding.

Check out the publicity image Escrit delivered below.

As previously reported, reservations for the wedding packages will open this week on 27 February 2019. If you somehow have plans to get wedded in Japan, you might want to take a look at Escrit’s website over here.

PR Email