Japan: Splatoon 2 Sells 2.4 Million Copies In 1 Year

Japan: Splatoon 2 Sells 2.4 Million Copies In 1 Year

Last week, Inklings all over the world celebrated the 1 year anniversary of Splatoon 2.

This week, it’s time to take a look back at how the game sold in the country that loves it the most – Japan. When Splatoon 2 first launched in Japan, it sold 648,085 copies at retail. This comes from Media Create’s sales data.

Fast forward a year later, and Splatoon 2 has consistently ranked in the top 10 bestselling in Japan every week. On its 1 year anniversary, lifetime sales clocked in at 2,469,695, nearly 2.5 million copies sold. Selling 4 times of what moved at launch isn’t something many games can achieve.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
