Japanese Parents Use Pikmin To Discipline Their Children

Japanese Parents Use Pikmin To Discipline Their Children

Disciplining children can be tough, but with the launch of Pikmin 4, some Japanese parents have found a tool that works – Pikmin.

According to a few Japanese parents on Twitter, they have successfully managed to discipline their children by using the concept of Pikmin. For example, they tell their children that they are like Pikmin so they should follow their parents and not wander off elsewhere. To make things even cuter, some children even squeak like a Pikmin while following their parents:

“My 4-year-old son always tries to wander off when we go shopping, so I told him, “you’re a Pikmin, and mommy is that one that the Pikmin follow around.” It worked so well. He follows my steps perfectly while squeaking like a Pikmin. Thank you, Nintendo, this one’s going to work for a while.”

“Same here. My son in middle school and daughter in grade school love Pikmin, so when I imitate blowing a whistle while shopping, they come to me and gather round. They also want to carry toilet paper and other stuff like little Pikmin. I’m so thankful to Nintendo.”

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
