Kamen Rider: Memory Of Heroez New Playable Forms, Difficulty Mode, And More Detailed

Kamen Rider: Memory Of Heroez New Playable Forms, Difficulty Mode, And More Detailed

The latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu has revealed more details about Kamen Rider: Memory Of Heroez on Switch.

Firstly, it has been confirmed that players will be able to unlock new playable forms for Kamen Rider W and Kamen Rider OOO on their second playthrough of the game, the forms being Fangjoker for W and Burakawani for OOO.

In addition, the second playthrough will also allow players to choose a new harder difficulty level, as well as enable “accelerators” such as “infinite stamina, EX gauge boost, and defense 100 percent-plus”.

A new Japanese promo trailer for the game was also shared, which you can find below:


Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez launches October 29th for Switch in Japan and Southeast Asia.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
