Link’s Awakening Styles Up Head Of Youtube Gaming’s Shoes
They might not be boots but they’ll do the trick.
Ryan Wyatt, Head of Gaming, VR and AR, and Tech at YouTube, showed off a new pair of custom shoes on Twitter and they look awesome.
The boxart and start screen from The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening are displayed on the tongue of the shoes.
On the back of the left shoe, you’ll find a D-pad and on the back of the right shoe you’ll find an A and B button.
Watch the full video from Wyatt in the tweet below.
Wondering where these legendary shoes came from?
That would be Freaker Sneaks – a “company that creates unique, one of a kind hand-painted custom sneakers”. They produce custom designs and you can apply to get yours from their website.
It seems safe to say that the head of Youtube gaming is excited for the Link’s Awakening remake coming to Switch later this year.
What do you think about this design? Let us know in the comments.