The official Splatoon 2 Twitter account has revealed the Luna Blaster Neo, this week’s latest weapon to be added to the game.
It’ll arrive on February 24, 2018 at 11am Tokyo Time, so you can expect that to be around evening in North America. See some screenshots of the weapon in action below.
Nintendo’s latest update for Splatoon 2 has gone live on June 25th bringing various stat changes and balances to weapons in the game.. Splatoon 2 Version 4.9.0 includes changes to specifications of some of the main weapons, sub-weapons, special weapons as well as fixes for some issues. Check out the…
Nintendo of America has published the full patch notes for Splatoon 2's version 5.1.0 update. The latest update adjusts stats for several weapons in multiplayer. Also confirmed is the next update, which will arrive in April 2020. Read the patch notes below: Ver. 5.1.0 (Releasing January 8, 2020) Changes to…
Nintendo of America has released the patch notes for Splatoon 2's upcoming version 5.1.0 update. The update, scheduled to release on January 8, 2020, adjusts the specifications for some main weapons. Nintendo says they will continue to monitor online gameplay and adjust weapon stats, with the following update planned for…
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